Leschenault Netball Association
Our Saturday competition has been designed to cater for girls and boys in the Primary School Years 3-6, providing all participants with a fun progressive learning environment. Games are played at Leschenault Leisure Centre, generally between 9am to 1pm.
There are several competition types played on Saturdays as follows:
Year 3 Skills & Competition
This competition starts with skills training provided by the association and is then followed by a game played under the NetSetGo (NSG) modified rules. These rules include - 4 Feet distance from players, 5 second rule, shorter rings & the centre pass is awarded to the team who did not score the goal. Players are strongly encouraged to change each quarter. Children must be aged in the Year 3 School age bracket to play in this competition.
Year 4 Competition
This competition is the next step up from the year 3 competition and runs under the modified rules for the first half of the season with a progression to full rules in the second half of the year excluding the ring height which will remain as the shorter rings to ensure girls technique is not sacrificed while they are developing their strength. Children must be aged in the Year 3 or 4 School age bracket to play in this competition.
Year 5 & 6 Competitions
These groups are subject to grading thus teams can be a mixed age but cannot be less than that of a year 5 school child unless pre-approved by the committee. Grading will be based upon the team’s ability and the number of grades will vary depending upon the number of teams nominated. In general, all efforts will be made to make sure grades are even and divisions will be targeted at between 4-8 teams each. Grading will occur over the first 2 weeks of the season after which time divisions will commence however teams may rotate to allow for further development. The season ends with a round robin followed by a presentation.
Participants may choose to organise their own team (entity team) with their own coach, team manager and uniform, or play for a club affiliated with LNA. More information regarding clubs can be found in the Club pages within the website.
Individual registration is also accepted - please email leschenaultnetball@gmail.com and every effort will be made to place your child into a team.
Players must be appropriately dressed (please refer to the season Bylaws for further information) and all members and spectators are expected to abide with our code of conduct.
Fixtures normally run from late April/Early May through to mid August, with no finals played.
Fixtures and results are available on PlayHQ, once uploaded.